22 // 52

22 // 15 // Lillia
22 // 15 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week your class participated in a graduation ceremony for your completion of the D.A.R.E. program (Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education). Out of all of the students in your grade, you and one other child were selected to read your final essays in front of all of your classmates and their parents at the graduation ceremony! You wrote a fantastic essay, and many people came up to me after the ceremony and told me what an amazing writer you are. You received a little gold pin, too, which you are holding in this picture. Your dad and I are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished this year.

Zane: This week you attended a birthday for your Uncle Caleb at his house. You were so excited because Uncle Caleb & Aunt Becca’s nephew Tanner was there. He is a little baby that is only six months old. You could not get enough of him! You counted all of his toes (correctly, I might add), and you even got to hold him on your lap, with my help. You were a little dismayed when he spit up on your leg, but that incident didn’t seem to diminish even slightly your opinion of Tanner, or babies in general. Later in the day you looked at your pants and exclaimed, “Hey, the baby barf is all gone!” I hope that someday you are blessed with lots and lots of little babies of your own (hint, hint) because I think you are going to be an incredibly nurturing, loving dad.


21 // 52

21 // 52 // Lillia
21 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week was a particular good one for you. After all of your hard work campaigning for a spot on the Student Council at school next year, you were rewarded with a win! Next year you will be the school’s one and only Member at Large. When you came home from school after learning the results of the election, you had a huge grin on your face — ear to ear — and you were jumping up and down with excitement. You felt a little sorry for the child that you were running against, but you said that she gave you a hug and gave you a slip of paper that said “Congratulations!” on it. That little girl (your competitor) should certainly receive accolades for her graciousness and sportsmanship, and I hope that she finds success in another endeavor, as she clearly deserves it. This week you also found out that you scored very, very well on the reading portion of your school’s end of year testing. I’m so thankful for these gifts that you possess, and I hope they will always serve you well as your go through the years of your life.

Zane: This week was turtle week! Because we live so close to the Mill Pond, every spring we have lots of turtles that climb up the bank to lay eggs in our neighborhood. I can’t imagine why they would choose such a place, except that it must be safer than down by the pond. One morning there was a giant snapping turtle mama walking slowly up and down the road and on our lawn (and even up our front steps!). You said, “I have a good name for that snapping turtle: Zane! Because he has a great day just like me!” That was very cute and it made me smile. Unfortunately, the big snapping turtle seemed to be having a hard time deciding where to lay her eggs, and I was worried that she might get hit by a car if she stayed in the road too long. So, I said, “Turtle, just pick a spot!” to which you replied, “You have to call him Zane! Zane, pick a spot!” Oh my goodness, Zane (the boy, not the turtle) — you do keep me in stitches!


20 // 52

20 // 52 // Lillia
20 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week our house has turned into some sort of crazy campaign headquarters! You decided that you wanted to run for Student Council as a Member at Large. In order to participate in the election, you have to make and distribute campaign materials, and make a speech in front of the whole school! So far we’ve made: 4 glitter-encrusted posters; 20 flyers with your beautiful face right in the middle; and 48 “Vote for Lillia” pins. If you win, you will be a member of next year’s Walpole Elementary School Student Council. I’m always surprised and amazed by the ways in which you are willing to put yourself out there in the world. You do things I would have been way too scared to do at your age, and I am so proud of you for being so courageous. In fact, I am ALWAYS proud of you. I am the luckiest parent in the world because I have you for a daughter.

Zane: This week we have been very busy! We’ve been outside for a lot of the time, now that the weather has really turned a corner. We’ve also been doing a lot of baking — brownies for Daddy and cupcakes for your baptism on Sunday. As is evidenced by this photo, you were quite the helpful taste-tester (or pot-walloper, as Papa would say). We’ve talked a little bit about your baptism and what will happen, and also why we are doing it. You seem excited, and I hope that someday you will be glad that we made this choice for you. I remember looking down at you as a three day old baby, and something in your eyes told me that you were really happy to be here. I hope you will always appreciate the gift of life that God has given you, and that you will always find the church a place of comfort and spiritual renewal.


19 // 52

19 // 52 // Lillia
19 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: It’s getting harder and harder to take portraits of you — this is the face I get most of the time! This week your class went on a special field trip to Grafton, Vermont. You visited the Grafton Nature Museum and spent two whole days out in the woods learning all about the forest ecosystem. You also hiked and explored vernal pools. You’ve got a busy couple of weeks coming up, with your dance rehearsals and performances looming large on the calendar. And, after that, the school year will be coming to an end. I cannot believe you will be sixth grader next year. It just doesn’t seem possible!

Zane: This week you had your spring concert! We were all very excited to see you sing, and all of your grandparents came. But, for some reason, once you were up on stage, you didn’t want to sing! I kept thinking, “Oh, maybe he just doesn’t know this song,” but you didn’t sing a single word of any of the songs. You were very well-behaved, though, and I just had to laugh because it was such a Zane thing to do. Afterwards, I asked you why you didn’t sing and you said it was because you were getting squished by the other kids. You’re a funny boy, Zane Wilson.


18 // 52

18 // 52 // Lillia
18 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week you have been much happier, and that is a relief. The highlight of your week was your first school dance on Friday! The fifth graders were invited to attend the last middle school dance of the year, and you were really excited. I felt a little emotional about it, of course. How can my baby be old enough to attend a school dance??? You came home pretty tired and sweaty, and reported that it was both the best and worst experience of your life. You said that only the fifth graders danced, and that you drank 1.5 cans of Sprite. I guess I should really come to terms with the fact that in just a few months you will be a real middle schooler. You also brought home your report card and we are all SO PROUD OF YOU for earning straight A’s! As I’ve said before, the grade isn’t everything, but you worked really hard to pull your B+ in Science up to an A and that deserves some accolades. Great job, Lillia!

Zane: This week we have been living outside. We’ve been doing tons of yard work, moving plants around, putting other plants in. You are such a huge help to me, and I really appreciate that. You’re so excited about all of the little pea shoots that have sprouted up! My favorite Zane story of the week is as follows: You came home from school on Tuesday and said, “Guess what I did at circle today, Mom?” I was thinking, oh, no, what did he do? Then he said, “I hugged a girl!” I said, “Oh, that’s very nice of you — why did you hug her?” To which you replied, “I had to hug her because she had a flower on her shirt and she looked so beautiful!” My heart just about shattered from the cuteness. (I hope the little girl didn’t mind being hugged.) Zane-a-roo, you are quite the little love bug!
