in the woods // peak color

Then summer fades and passes and October comes.
We’ll smell smoke then, and feel an unexpected sharpness, a thrill of nervousness,
swift elation, a sense of sadness and departure.

–Thomas Wolfe

in the woods // peak color 1
in the woods // peak color 2
in the woods // peak color 3
in the woods // peak color collage
in the woods // peak color 4
in the woods // peak color 5
in the woods // peak color 6
in the woods // peak color quote
in the woods // peak color 7
in the woods // peak color 8


pumpkin carving

Last night we had a pumpkin carving/birthday party (for my mom and my brother). My hometown’s annual Pumpkin Festival is one of my mom’s favorite events of the year, and she always carves a ton of pumpkins in the hopes that this will be the record-breaking year (Note: the last time Keene took the record was the year that we couldn’t go because I was in the hospital giving birth to Lillia!). This year my mom enlisted a little help from the family because she was behind schedule. We have some very creative types in the family who went above and beyond the traditional jack-o-lantern. Some of the highlights were a husky silhouette (JD), a mother bird & her babies in a nest (Mom), and Cthulhu or Zoidberg…we’re not sure (Damian). It’s always nice to get together, whatever the reason.
















poem for an autumn day

Today I just want to share a lovely poem, “Autumn” by Rainer Maria Rilke (trans. by Jonathan Cott).

As from the distance, leaves are falling.
Fall as if the far-off gardens fade into the sky;
They fall with gestures of relinquishing.
And through the night there falls the pressing earth
Down past the stars in lonesomeness.
We are all falling. There, this hand falls too.
Occurring to us all: just look around you.
Still there is one who holds us tenderly
As in his hands we fall, fall endlessly.

image via
