the ballerina

My apologies for my absence here as of late. We have been very busy getting ready for this past weekend’s performances. My daughter takes ballet at Moco Arts in Keene and this year they performed Alice in Wonderland. Lillia was a wicket in the croquet scene.

It was a LONG weekend, and there were several tearful moments, but she made it through all three shows. I am so proud of her.


This was a big step for her, a real growing up experience. She was backstage all weekend without me, and it really required her to step out of her comfort zone (and I had to step out of mine, too).


Today is the last day of school for the year. I couldn’t be happier. I’m so looking forward to having my little girl home for the summer, and maybe even next year (if we decide to homeschool). Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to blogging regularly again soon.
