34 // 52

first day of school collage

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Note: I admit to being somewhat of a failure this year when it comes to the 52 week portrait project. I haven’t done a portrait post since the third week in July, and I’m not going to try and backtrack through the past five weeks to catch up. But, I’m ready to start over fresh, and what better week to do it than with the first week back at school?
Here’s to new beginnings for all of us.

Lillia: This week you started sixth grade! I can’t believe I have an official “middle-schooler” in my home now. You were really, really stressed out before the first day of school. You were worried that you wouldn’t know where anything was, that you wouldn’t have anyone to talk to, and that you would be a total failure at Student Council. Thankfully, none of those things came to pass. You are definitely tired, but seem to be pretty happy with your teachers and your new schedule. You said your favorite thing so far has been Spanish class.

Zane: This week you started Preschool/Pre-K. You were very excited to be in the “big kid class” as you seem to have suddenly become enamored with all things related to growing up. You’ll be going five days a week, mostly because of my working but also because you really seem to enjoy school. You love to socialize, and you love to be busy. I have a feeling that you’re going to have a great year.


35 // 52

first day of school collage

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Lillia: This week you became a Middle School-er! Hooray! You seem to be be enjoying school so far, with your only major complaints being the heat (why is it always blazingly hot the first week of school?), the awkwardness of having to change into your gym clothes in front of other people, and the stress of not being able to remember much of the multiplication tables. On the other hand, you’ve been thrilled about seeing your friends again. I’ve noticed that you’re mildly preoccupied with others’s perceptions of you this year, which I don’t think bothered you very much in the past. Don’t forget: you are awesome just the way you are.

Zane: This week you started preschool! You weren’t upset at all when I dropped you off and you wanted to hop right into the action. I left you playing Play-Doh with a couple of other little kids who looked about your age. You were really happy to see me when I first came to pick you up, but then you went and hid under a climber. When I bent down to look in, you threw a couple of handfuls of wood chips at me. Even brave little boys have mixed emotions about being without their mama for a few hours. But, you said you really wanted to go back next week so I think it was a big success overall.
