16 // 52

16 // 52 // Lillia
16 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Lillia: We had a great conversation yesterday about how school can be like a prison. When I offered that you could still be homeschooling and NOT be in a prison, you said you’d rather be with your friends in prison than without them. My little homeschooling heart felt a twinge of sorrow, but I am really happy that YOU are happy at school, and that you have such good friends.

Zane: Haircut time! You are a charmer extraordinaire wherever we go, but particularly when we go to see Joanne. For such a wild man, you are an absolute saint when getting your hair trimmed. It’s a big relief not to have to fight over at least a few things my beautiful, willful, little boy.



I can’t believe it, but we finally broke down and trimmed our little guy’s hair. He’s only just five months old (tomorrow) so it seems kind of ridiculous but, as the photos illustrate, very necessary. The kid couldn’t see!

before haircut

after haircut

Hope you are all having a great weekend!
