Another year, another list of resolutions. This year I’m going for one big goal and a few smaller goals.

// Get rid of 50% of my stuff — Yes, I am insane. (And yes, Damian, I know I said 30% earlier in the week, but now I’m going for half! — here are some reasons why.) I don’t know how feasible this is, but I want to do it badly. After 33 years of life, 11 years of motherhood, 4 years of marriage, and 3 years of home-ownership, I’ve accumulated way too much stuff. And, by “my stuff” I really mean “our stuff.” There isn’t a drawer, shelf, or closet in this house that isn’t cram-jammed with things, and when said house is 960 square feet things get pretty claustrophic pretty quickly. How much of it do I actually need? I can’t tell because I don’t even know what it all is! My goal is not only to clear out the excess stuff, but also to document my decluttering journey here on my blog. (If I hold myself publicly accountable, maybe it will actually happen.) My guess is that it will take several sweeps of the whole house before I can whittle it down by half, but I’m up for the challenge!

// Do the 52 Week Portrait Project (Again)“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.″ I loved doing this project so much last year, and I know that my readers really enjoyed it, too. I’m looking forward to seeing my kiddos and my photography skills grow throughout another year.

// Read all of the books I got for Christmas before next Christmas — I made this my goal in 2013, and it really helped keep me motivated to finish the pile of books on my nightstand. I received an interesting collection this year, which included a lot of non-fiction DNA books (so I can finally understand what my test results mean!), along with a novel, a biography, and a memoir: Ancestral Journeys, by Jean Manco; Trace Your Roots with DNA, by Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and Ann Turner; The Seven Daughters of Eve, by Bryan Sykes; Genetic Genealogy: The Basics and Beyond, by Emily D. Aulicino; Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout; Hetty, by Charles Slack; The Glass Castle, by Jeanette Walls.

I once read that all mothers should have three books going at once so that they always have something to read, no matter the situation: a “stiff book” (i.e. a challenging one); a moderately easy book (i.e. a biography); and a novel — not “twaddle” — (i.e. Eliot, Dickens, etc). I think that this should apply to all people, not just mothers, and I think my Christmas books fit nicely into those categories and will keep me very busy.

// Write lots of snail mail — This one goes on my list every year because I think it’s important at least to try. My grandmother was the postmaster of North Haverhill, NH for decades (and New Hampshire Postmaster of the Year in 1986, no less!). If nothing else, perhaps a love of all things mail-oriented is in my genes. I’d love to write to you, so please add your address to my postable account (if you haven’t already), and anyone can write to me here any time: Kelli Wilson, PO Box 313, Walpole, NH 03608. If you haven’t heard from me in awhile, you can always bring that to my attention :)

Happy New Year, everyone! I’d love to hear your resolutions, so please feel free to leave them in the comments.



Happy New Year 2014

2013 was a great year, and I’m a little sorry to see it go…but I’m always excited about the possibilities that come with a new year. Last year I made 13 resolutions, and only stuck with half of them. This year, I’m going to try and narrow my resolutions down to things that I REALLY want to make happen. Quality vs Quantity, ya know?

So, here they are:

// Read Some Classics. I just made a list of books I’ve always wanted to read. I figured I’d start with ten, and if I get through all of these, I can always read more:

Middlemarch, by George Eliot // Pride & Prejudice, by Jane Austen // Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens // Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte // Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte // Emma, by Jane Austen // Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott // Tess of the D’Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy // Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo // Sense & Sensibility, by Jane Austen

// Do the 52 Week Project“A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014”. This is pretty self-explanatory. I believe it originated with blogger Jodi Wilson (of Che & Fidel), and many of the blogs I read participated in 2013. I didn’t catch wind of it until a couple of weeks in, and since I hate starting in the middle of things I had to wait for the New Year to begin! I take so many pictures of my kids that this shouldn’t be too difficult to achieve.

// Take Some Classes. Any classes, about anything. They can even be free. Now that I am done with school, I am scared that my mind will atrophy. I want to keep learning, always keep learning. I’ve got my first one lined up — Arrow & Apple’s Study of Light photography e-course. I’m really excited to learn more about using available light to take better photos.

// Leave My Savings Alone. I have a savings account that gets twenty dollars put into it every week. I constantly find myself transferring money from it for things I supposedly “need,” but really just “want.” By December 2014, I’ll have $1,000 saved if I don’t touch it.

// Write Lots of Snail Mail. This is something I have been working on for a couple of years now, but I really want to concentrate on it this year. If you’d like a letter from me, please add your contact info to my address book –> click here.

With only five resolutions, I expect to see a check mark next to every one of them on December 31, 2014! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year’s Day!


year in review // 2013

From In Memoriam [Ring Out Wild Bells]” by Lord Alfred Tennyson:

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

New Year Birds

I can’t believe we’ve already reached the last day of 2013. I feel like I was just making this list! I did an update back in July, but I have made more progress since then. Here are my resolutions from last January, and the progress I made toward completing them:

1. Paint the basement and put up the curtain walls.
✓Completed! There’s still more work to be done down there, but I am really happy with the progress I’ve made so far. I’ve also blogged about this project here and here. Here’s a before & after picture:

Basement Almost Done

2. Work on creating my “mom cave” so I can be creative without distractions.
✓I’m checking this off even though the plans changed quite a bit. After doing a lot of thinking, I decided that I would rather have my stuff upstairs (since I am kind of scared of being in the basement alone — don’t laugh!). So, my “mom cave” turned into a “cloffice” which is in our bedroom. I blogged about it here.

my new "office"

3. Finally finish college and have a graduation party!


4. Read all of the books that I got for Christmas, before next Christmas.
✓I’m pleased to say that I finished this goal! I know that reading four books in a year isn’t much of an accomplishment, but when you have two kids (1 toddler, 1 homeschooler) and you’re going to school and doing lots of reading for that, it’s difficult to find time to read for pleasure. Here are the books I read for my goal:
The Courtiers, by Lucy Worsley
Giants in the Earth, by O.E. Rølvaag
Kristin Lavransdatter, by Sigrid Undset (by far one of my top ten most favorite books of all time!)
Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and their Journey, by Isabel Fonseca

5. Write letters to my grandmother once a month.
✓I think I’ve done pretty well at this. I never wanted to make it compulsory; I just wanted to be better at communicating.

6. Stick to the budget I created last fall, which was completely disregarded in December…
☹Sadly, I wasn’t very good about sticking to a budget. Maybe someone has software suggestions?

7. Schedule time to be alone, time to be with my kids (individually), and time to be with my husband.
☹It just didn’t happen.

8. Put up pictures in the hallway.
☹I haven’t done this yet, but I have sort of changed my mind about what I want to put there, so…

9. Work on Lillia’s ballet performance scrapbook.
☹☹☹ Still need to do this!

10. Grow some stuff! (Vegetables, flowers, whatever strikes my fancy).
✓I grew about 4 or 5 sickly tomatoes on some hand-me-down plants I got from my parents — it still counts! I also experimented with moving some of my perennials around. Nothing died, and I learned more about transplanting. PLUS, I discovered that we have a crabapple tree growing just over the fence in our yard. When the crabapples were ripe, I harvested them and then kindly asked my mom to make jelly out of them (which she did — thanks, Mom). While I didn’t technically “grow” the tree, I did take care of it and harvest its fruit — it counts!

2013 165 soft

11. See my friends at least once this year. I miss them.
1/2 ✓I did see one of my friends this year on Halloween, but that was only 1/2 of the friends I wanted to see LOL. I am going to see them this coming year. It’s a must.

12. Learn how to use my new camera — techniques and composition.
✓I think I learned a lot this year. Plus, I got a new lens — a Nikkor 50mm 1.8G. It.is.awesome. I recently subscribed to Kelby Training so that I could start watching instructional videos. Plus, my mother-in-law got me an awesome book about composition, so I’m going to work my through that.

13. Work on the Anna Maria Horner feather quilt (the only craft on this list, for a good reason).
☹Ha! Never gonna happen.

Hmmm…7.5 out of 13 isn’t terrible — it’s 50%. I completed half of my resolutions. Well, there’s always room for improvement, isn’t there? And, while it may seem like I’m a bit of a slacker in the “getting things done” department, there’s a lot of things I accomplished this year that weren’t part of my list of resolutions: I homeschooled my daughter; I lost about 15 pounds (I never make losing weight a resolution, but it’s nice when it happens anyway); I found a ton of new-to-me relatives (love you all, cousins!), and started a Facebook group and website all about my Copeland family; I had my DNA tested and analyzed and learned that I was not 100% European; I blogged; I took 11,694 pictures (holy moly!); I parented the heck out of my kids. I’ll be back tomorrow with my resolutions for 2014!

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year’s Eve!


mid-year resolutions

From “Late Summer” by Jennifer Grotz:

Summer lingers, but it’s about ending. It’s about how things
redden and ripen and burst and come down.

2013 007

Since we’re more than halfway through the year, I thought it might be a good time to check in on the resolutions I made back in January. So, here are my goals and the progress I’ve made:

1. Paint the basement and put up the curtain walls.
// Making some good progress here! I’ve primed most of the walls, painted and semi-furnished Damian’s workshop area, and I have in my possession the dropcloths I’m going to use as curtains. I need to get some galvanized steel pipes to hang them from (they’re pretty heavy), and finish priming and painting the remaining areas.
2. Work on creating my “mom cave” so I can be creative without distractions.
// I did set up a nice craft/art area in the basement, but it is going to be a shared area for me and the kids. Now I’m working on creating a “cloffice” for myself in our bedroom. So far I’ve removed the old shelves, filled all the holes, primed, and painted. The last step is to buy the lumber and install the shelves and desk.
3. Finally finish college and have a graduation party!
// DONE!!!!
4. Read all of the books that I got for Christmas, before next Christmas.
// I’ve finished 3 out of 4!
5. Write letters to my grandmother once a month.
// I think I’ve done pretty well with this, though I’m not actually keeping track. It’s the gesture that counts. I’m also trying to be better about corresponding with friends and family, in general.
6. Stick to the budget I created last fall, which was completely disregarded in December…
// For this goal I’ve been all over the place. We had unexpected car-related expenses in July that totaled over $600 so that month the budget kind of went out the window. I am trying to be more aware of our finances, though. And, I try to update my budget spreadsheet on a bi-weekly basis.
7. Schedule time to be alone, time to be with my kids (individually), and time to be with my husband.
// Nope.
8. Put up pictures in the hallway.
// Not yet.
9. Work on Lillia’s ballet performance scrapbook.
// Argh! I need to do this!
10. Grow some stuff! (Vegetables, flowers, whatever strikes my fancy).
// I got some hand-me-down tomatoes from my parents and they have actually produced some fruit. Not enough to be more than passing entertainment for a toddler, but still…
11. See my friends at least once this year. I miss them.
// Still need to do this. My friend left me a message and I need to call her back!
12. Learn how to use my new camera — techniques and composition.
// I haven’t really worked on this yet. I would love to take a class.
13. Work on the Anna Maria Horner feather quilt (the only craft on this list, for a good reason).
// I doubt this will happen, but there’s still time!

I have a ton of pictures from our vacation to Maine, but I can’t do anything with them until I get my laptop back. It should arrive this week, so hopefully I will have a chance to work on that soon.



From T.S. Eliot’s “Little Gidding” —

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.

Happy New Year! 366 days have come and gone, and now a new year has begun. As always, the beginning of the year is a time of hope and anticipation. And, of course, a time of resolutions.


Here are mine:

1. Paint the basement and put up the curtain walls.
2. Work on creating my “mom cave” so I can be creative without distractions.
3. Finally finish college and have a graduation party!
4. Read all of the books that I got for Christmas, before next Christmas.
5. Write letters to my grandmother once a month.
6. Stick to the budget I created last fall, which was completely disregarded in December…
7. Schedule time to be alone, time to be with my kids (individually), and time to be with my husband.
8. Put up pictures in the hallway.
9. Work on Lillia’s ballet performance scrapbook.
10. Grow some stuff! (Vegetables, flowers, whatever strikes my fancy).
11. See my friends at least once this year. I miss them.
12. Learn how to use my new camera — techniques and composition.
13. Work on the Anna Maria Horner feather quilt (the only craft on this list, for a good reason).
