short story // a peaceful summer day

In summer, the song sings itself.

William Carlos Williams, “The Botticellian Trees”

I loafe and invite my Soul;

I lean and loafe at my ease, observing a spear of summer grass.

Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass , 1900

short story // a peaceful summer day 1
zane leaf collage
short story // a peaceful summer day 2
short story // a peaceful summer day 3
short story // a peaceful summer day 5
short story // a peaceful summer day 6
short story // a peaceful summer day 7
short story // a peaceful summer day 8
short story // a peaceful summer day 9
virginia creeper collage


going out in a blaze

Summer is coming to an end here in New Hampshire.  The mornings and evenings are chilly.  The crickets are no longer chirping with vigor. And, the squirrels are scampering in earnest about our yard, diligently preparing for the coming months.  Something about this turning of the seasons always makes me feel very peaceful.  I can feel my spirit changing from the energetic “outer-me” of summer, to the self-reflective “inner-me” of autumn and, eventually, winter. I feel a longing to be with myself again. And, though I hold dear those precious memories of our summer days at the beach or pool, and of our languidly basking in the sun on the back porch, I think I am ready for fall.  Yes, I am ready.

But, for one moment longer, I will savor the glory of summer.  Here are the holders-on, the last of summer’s vibrant bouquet. When we are deep in the dark and cold of winter, we can look back at these living flames and feel just a bit of their light and warmth when we need it most.









what we’ve been up to lately

My apologies for having disappeared from this space. It seems that when you’re home with TWO kids, things get a lot busier! In any case, we’ve been spending our days at the town pool, trying to beat the heat. And, one of us has gained a new skill!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer, and I’ll try to be better about posting!
