year in review // 2014

year in review // 2014

I have heard more than one person lament that they cannot believe it is almost 2015. They say that 2014 went by in a flash, which seems strange to me because I feel like the year passed in exactly the right amount of time. I attribute this in part to the fact that nothing really terrible happened in 2014, so my experience of time was not distorted by stress. I also think it might have something to do with my working hard this past year to incorporate more liturgical and seasonal festivals into our lives. Orienting myself to the calendar in this way also made me more attentive to what was happening in the natural world, and allowed me to follow the course of the year organically. It was not too fast or too slow; it was just right. I’m looking forward to the year ahead.

One thing I have done consistently every year on my blog is to look back at my New Year’s Resolutions from the prior year and see whether or not I accomplished what I set out to do. So, here are last year’s goals, and my success or failure in accomplishing each of them:

// Read Some Classics. (This was my list: Middlemarch, by George Eliot; Pride & Prejudice, by Jane Austen; Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens; Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte; Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte; Emma, by Jane Austen; Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott; Tess of the D’Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy; Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo; Sense & Sensibility, by Jane Austen.)

Umm…I didn’t read ANY of these books! I did read some great books, though, but I can’t give myself a check mark since I didn’t really accomplish what I set out to do. Maybe another year.

// Do the 52 Week Project“A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014”.

✓Doing the 52 Week Portrait Project was both challenging and incredibly rewarding. My blog grew, both in size, and quality, and readership, as a result of doing this. I had really bottomed out with my photography, but the 52 project got me going again, and then some. I can see a HUGE improvement in my photography over the course of the year, and making myself take portraits every week definitely helped in that regard. There are probably some weeks I wouldn’t have taken any pictures if it weren’t for this project. I still have two more posts to finish up, but I’m going to say I completed this because I know I will finish those soon. I plan to do it again in 2015.

// Take Some Classes.

Nope. I didn’t even finish the online class I mentioned in my resolution post from last year! Oh, well.

// Leave My Savings Alone.

✓I’m going to give myself a check mark here, even though I didn’t do quite what I planned. This past summer I decided it was time to really get our finances under control. We made a plan, which included paying off our credit cards, and putting money into savings every week (including money for the kids). This Christmas we were able to put expensive gifts on the credit cards and then pay them off before the end of the month. I feel like, for the first time since we’ve been married, we are actually financially stable. It feels great! High five past Damian and Kelli for looking out for your future selves!

// Write Lots of Snail Mail.

Sadly, I didn’t write as much as I wanted to. I always put this one on my list, though, so maybe 2015 will be my snail mail year. Please feel free to write me anytime: Kelli Wilson, PO Box 313, Walpole, NH 03608. I will definitely write back!

Other notable experiences of the past year: I turned 33; Zane started preschool; I made a bunch of cute peg dolls; I started a collaborative photo project with Tarah; I started going to church for the first time in years, which rekindled my spirituality; I joined the board of The Samaritans; I solved a genealogical mystery and in the process learned that my Copeland ancestors were free people of color (so I wrote a paper about it); Damian and I had all sorts of adventures on our almost-monthly dates; and, just as the year was drawing to a close, I got sick with the flu and then recovered.

I’ll be back in a couple of days with my Resolutions for 2015!


year in review // 2013

From In Memoriam [Ring Out Wild Bells]” by Lord Alfred Tennyson:

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

New Year Birds

I can’t believe we’ve already reached the last day of 2013. I feel like I was just making this list! I did an update back in July, but I have made more progress since then. Here are my resolutions from last January, and the progress I made toward completing them:

1. Paint the basement and put up the curtain walls.
✓Completed! There’s still more work to be done down there, but I am really happy with the progress I’ve made so far. I’ve also blogged about this project here and here. Here’s a before & after picture:

Basement Almost Done

2. Work on creating my “mom cave” so I can be creative without distractions.
✓I’m checking this off even though the plans changed quite a bit. After doing a lot of thinking, I decided that I would rather have my stuff upstairs (since I am kind of scared of being in the basement alone — don’t laugh!). So, my “mom cave” turned into a “cloffice” which is in our bedroom. I blogged about it here.

my new "office"

3. Finally finish college and have a graduation party!


4. Read all of the books that I got for Christmas, before next Christmas.
✓I’m pleased to say that I finished this goal! I know that reading four books in a year isn’t much of an accomplishment, but when you have two kids (1 toddler, 1 homeschooler) and you’re going to school and doing lots of reading for that, it’s difficult to find time to read for pleasure. Here are the books I read for my goal:
The Courtiers, by Lucy Worsley
Giants in the Earth, by O.E. Rølvaag
Kristin Lavransdatter, by Sigrid Undset (by far one of my top ten most favorite books of all time!)
Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and their Journey, by Isabel Fonseca

5. Write letters to my grandmother once a month.
✓I think I’ve done pretty well at this. I never wanted to make it compulsory; I just wanted to be better at communicating.

6. Stick to the budget I created last fall, which was completely disregarded in December…
☹Sadly, I wasn’t very good about sticking to a budget. Maybe someone has software suggestions?

7. Schedule time to be alone, time to be with my kids (individually), and time to be with my husband.
☹It just didn’t happen.

8. Put up pictures in the hallway.
☹I haven’t done this yet, but I have sort of changed my mind about what I want to put there, so…

9. Work on Lillia’s ballet performance scrapbook.
☹☹☹ Still need to do this!

10. Grow some stuff! (Vegetables, flowers, whatever strikes my fancy).
✓I grew about 4 or 5 sickly tomatoes on some hand-me-down plants I got from my parents — it still counts! I also experimented with moving some of my perennials around. Nothing died, and I learned more about transplanting. PLUS, I discovered that we have a crabapple tree growing just over the fence in our yard. When the crabapples were ripe, I harvested them and then kindly asked my mom to make jelly out of them (which she did — thanks, Mom). While I didn’t technically “grow” the tree, I did take care of it and harvest its fruit — it counts!

2013 165 soft

11. See my friends at least once this year. I miss them.
1/2 ✓I did see one of my friends this year on Halloween, but that was only 1/2 of the friends I wanted to see LOL. I am going to see them this coming year. It’s a must.

12. Learn how to use my new camera — techniques and composition.
✓I think I learned a lot this year. Plus, I got a new lens — a Nikkor 50mm 1.8G. I recently subscribed to Kelby Training so that I could start watching instructional videos. Plus, my mother-in-law got me an awesome book about composition, so I’m going to work my through that.

13. Work on the Anna Maria Horner feather quilt (the only craft on this list, for a good reason).
☹Ha! Never gonna happen.

Hmmm…7.5 out of 13 isn’t terrible — it’s 50%. I completed half of my resolutions. Well, there’s always room for improvement, isn’t there? And, while it may seem like I’m a bit of a slacker in the “getting things done” department, there’s a lot of things I accomplished this year that weren’t part of my list of resolutions: I homeschooled my daughter; I lost about 15 pounds (I never make losing weight a resolution, but it’s nice when it happens anyway); I found a ton of new-to-me relatives (love you all, cousins!), and started a Facebook group and website all about my Copeland family; I had my DNA tested and analyzed and learned that I was not 100% European; I blogged; I took 11,694 pictures (holy moly!); I parented the heck out of my kids. I’ll be back tomorrow with my resolutions for 2014!

Hope you all have a wonderful New Year’s Eve!


year in review

As the year draws rapidly to a close, I thought it might be fun to take a look at my New Year’s Resolutions from the beginning of 2012 to see what I did/did not accomplish. I’m not doing this to make myself feel bad, but I think it will be enlightening, and entertaining.

2012 687

1. Unpack our stuff, and organize the basement.
Yes! I did this!
2. Learn to crochet.
3. Knit something that a person (or animal, I suppose) can actually wear or use.
Sadly, no.
4. Organize my craft supplies.
5. Help my kids to sleep in their own beds.
Sort of, but not really. Lillia still wakes us up most nights, and Zane is still sleeping in our bed (though he does sleep in his crib for naps).
6. Finish thank you notes for the wedding (yikes! that was in 2010!).
Ha! Never gonna happen.
7. Send out thank you notes for the baby gifts.
I hope I did this, but I can’t remember which means I probably didn’t :(
8. Blog for confidence (see button on the side).
I didn’t really do this as a formal project, but blogging has become an integral part of my self-identity.
9. Do a 365 day photo project.
I made it 16 days. I’m just not a joiner.
10. Do a major clothing purge and donate what we don’t want.
I did do a major clothing purge, but everything I discarded is now in plastic bins in the garage!
11. Do something special with my husband on our anniversary, sans kids.
Yep! We went out to dinner at the restaurant we went to on the night we were engaged.
12. Give something to charity every month, even if it’s only a dollar.
Yes! I’ve been donating $5.00 a month to Vermont Public Radio all year.
13. Participate in some political activism.
Yes. I helped get the Green Party of NH up and running, but I had to step back when I started classes.
14. Save $20 a week for an iPad, as my current computer is on its way out.
No. I’m really bad at saving money. And, my laptop is fine.
15. Create a handmade gift for every member of my immediate family next Christmas.
What was I thinking?!?!
16. Have a ridiculously immature birthday party for myself (turning 31!).
It wasn’t too immature, but I did get my pink cake!
17. Write letters to my grandmother at least once a month.
I wish I had done this…
18. Find time to read to both of my kids everyday.
Yes – most days – I made a real effort!
19. Explore all of Walpole’s nature preserves.
Still want to do this, but will have to wait for Spring.
20. Cook dinner with my husband once a month.
We did this once. It was fun.
21. Be better about blogging! and make this my own space.
Oh heck yeah! I love my blog :)
22. Overcome my fear of tofu, and use it more in my cooking.
Hmmm…I didn’t really do much with tofu, but I did experiment with some other fake meat. Tofurkey hot dogs are awesome!
23. Read at least two new fiction books. Doesn’t seem like much but, trust me, that would be an accomplishment!
Yes…and then some! I did A LOT of reading for my class, mostly fiction. I think I actually read about 8 fiction books this past year.

It’s interesting to observe what types of goals I accomplished, how hard I worked to accomplish them, and what types of goals were just not even attempted. I can see that I did pretty well with cleaning/organizing, reading, blogging, and interpersonal relationships, but I didn’t accomplish any of the goals that involved crafts. I think that says a lot about my priorities (and perhaps the amount – or lack thereof – of free time I have!). I’ll definitely use this information when planning my 2013 goals, which I’ll be posting very soon. I’d love to hear yours!
