blooming right now

I never really saw it coming, but it turns out that I love gardening. I’m no expert, but I’ve managed to keep what was already here alive, plus I’ve added some things over the past couple of years. Flowers make fantastic photography subjects, so I have lots of inspiration right in my own front (and back) yard. They’re particularly interesting to shoot with a macro lens (which is what I used for these photos). Currently we have rhododendron, salvia, allium, and several species of iris in full bloom. It’s beautiful.

blooming right now // rhododendron
blooming right now // iris
blooming right now // allium
blooming right now // iris
blooming right now // salvia



  1. WendySH June 10, 2014 / 6:36 pm

    I noticed they are all a beautiful range of pink/purple. Nice to find out you like gardening, and can keep them alive! Lately the only flowers we can keep alive are the Marigolds, try as we might. Texas summers are really tough on flora, though. Beautiful pics!

    • Kelli Wilson June 10, 2014 / 6:47 pm

      I can’t take much credit for the color scheme, as most of it was already here, but I did add the allium and the dark blue irises last year. Our front door is yellow, so it works really well with the purples & pinks (yellow being complementary/near complementary of both). Someday I’d love to have some poppies — they’re not purple, but I just love their color and paper-like petals. Marigolds are really cute and, strangely enough, I actually love the smell of them; spicy, but distinct! You can probably do a lot of plants that wouldn’t survive in the Northeast like cacti, which are a strictly indoor plant up here.

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